18년 호주워홀 12일차(Working holiday in australia D+12)

어젯밤 미리 만들어 놓은 오늘 아침!
든든하게 먹고 자전거로 출근 ㅋㅋㅋ
I was made that last night for today breakfast !
Go to work after eating a lot lol

자전거 새우는곳이 맞나 싶어서 자꾸 확인한곳 ㅋㅋ
너무 구석에있고 자리도 두개뿐이야..
I'm not sure about that  place is for parking bicycle or not lol
That locate too corner and have a just two seat

수지누나가 준 간식들
바나나초코식빵이랑 초코우유 ㅋㅋ
Suzy give some dessert for us,
banana choco bread and choco milk
i love that

가게 메뉴들
여전히 잘 모르겠다 이름들..가격들..
안만들어 본것들이 태반
Shop's menus
I'm still don't remember that all name and price..
i did't have ever made them

어제 먹은 커리우동이 너무 맛있어서
이번엔 내가 만들어본 커리우동
핫소스까지 넣어서 더 맛있었다~~
낼도 먹을듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When i ate lunch yesterday as curry udong was so fucking great so,
today i made my self that

드디어 첫 주급!!
22일부터 27일까지 하루쉬고 약 오일
26.25시간 일하고 410불 정도~ 꾸준히 가자!
Finally i got first weekly pay!
From 22 to 27, one day rest and about 5 days works
I was 26.24hour works and get 410$~ Keep go on!

퇴근길 자전거로 오면서 풍경
After work, View about back to house

오늘은 어제와는 반대로 모든게 좋았다 ㅋㅋ
일하면서 만난 지형이형도 너무 맘에 들었고
많이 배우고 칭찬도 많이 들어서 기분 전환이 됐다
집 돌아와서 프리레틱스도 드디어 해서
드디어 1주차 프로그램을 끝냈고 ;;
자전거 출퇴근이 예상외로 피곤할거같긴 하지만..
이대로라면 이런 생활 패턴도 나쁠것 같지 않다
내일보다 덜! 어제보다 더! 노력하는 하루하루를 만들자!!
Compared to yesterday, Today was too perpect!
I met Ji-hyung bro, during work. He was so nice guy.
He did a lot of complie to me and teaching to me a lot.
That make me refreshed and feels good
And come back home, i did a freeletics 1st week program(Last WOD)
finally i complete 1st week schedule.
Using bicycle was little hard that was unexpected lol
Anyway, These life style also not bad to me.
Less than tomorrow! better than yesterday! make a perfect everyday!

그리고 지금막 커먼웰스 체크카드 도착! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And just now! arrived common wealth debit card! lol
What a wonderful day!!
